(Carbendazim 50 DF)

It is an endogenous fungicide with preventive and curative properties. So it gets absorbed anywhere in the plant and spreads through the sap to all parts. It effectively suppresses fungal diseases and builds immunity in plants. Mix quickly with water to form a homogeneous solution, so there is no settling and no clogging of the spray nozzle. It is finely granular, non-polluting and easy to measure and pour into spray machines.


Zimda 50 DF is an effective topical fungicide. It effectively controls paddy sheath blight, sheath rot (red rot) of sugarcane and pineapple, loose smut of wheat and seedling root rot (root rot) of cabbage, cauliflower, and tomato through seed treatment.

Scope and Dimensions : 

Crop Disease Permissible Dosage
Per Hectare of Land Per Acre of Land Per 10 Liters of Water

(Dimensions for 5 Decimal of Land)

Paddy Sheath Blight 500 g 200 g 10 g
Sugar Cane Sheath Rot (red rot) of Sugarcane, Pineapple and Wint 500 g 200 g 10 g
Wheat Loose Smut 500 g 200 g 10 g
Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Tomato Seedling Root Rot 500 g 200 g 10 g