(Difenoconazole 15% + Propiconazole 15%)

Tintin 300 EC contains 150 ml of active ingredient Difenoconazole and 150 ml of Propiconazole per liter. It is a triazole-class effervescent fungicide. As it is versatile, Tintin 300 EC can suppress the fungus preventively and prophylactically.


Scope and Dimensions : 

Crop Disease Per 10 Liters of Water

(Dimensions for 5 Decimal of Land)

Per Acre Per Hectare
Paddy Sheath Rot 2.4 ml 48 ml 120 ml
Mango Anthracnose 0.5 ml per liter of water
Banana Sigatoka  0.5 ml per liter of water