(Thiamethoxam 20% + Emamectin Benzoate 20%)

Hope Plus 40 WG is an effective granular insecticide with contact, stomachic and enteric properties. It contains 200 grams of Thiamethoxam and 200 grams of  Emamectin Benzoate per kilogram.

Hope Plus 40 WG disrupts the normal functioning of the insect’s nervous system and ultimately stops the insect’s food intake. As a result the insect dies. It keeps the plant greener, fresher and healthier besides controlling insects. It is an environmentally friendly pesticide. 


 Scope and Dimensions :

Crop Insect Name Per 10 liters of Water

(Dimensions for 5 Decimal of land)

Paddy Scirpophaga Incertulas 2.5 g
Sugar cane Sugarcane Top-shoot Borer 2.5 g
Eggplant  Leucinodes Orbonalis 2.0 g
Cotton Cotton bollworm 2.0 g
Soybean soybean looper 2.0 g
Tomato Tomato Fruit Borer 2.5 g


আখের টপ বোরার- Sugarcane Top-shoot Borer

ধানের মাজরা পোকা- Scirpophaga Incertulas

বেগুনের ফল ছিদ্রকারী – Leucinodes orbonalis

তুলার বল ওয়ার্ম – Cotton bollworm

সয়াবিন সেমিপোলার- soybean looper