(Carbendazim 50 WP)


Greatzim 50 WP is an intravenous antiseptic. It contains 500g Carbendazim per kg whose effect lasts for 2-3 weeks. However, based on severity of the disease it should be sprayed every 10-14 days.

Scope and Dimensions : 

Crop Disease Permissible Dosage (Per Acre) Per 10 Liters of Water

(Dimensions for 5 Decimal of Land)

Paddy Sheath Blight 400 g 20 g
Tomato Bacterial Wilt of Tomato 200 g 10 g
Sugar Cane Sugarcane set rot, red rot 200 g 10 g
Tea Dieback, Red Rust, Black rot 300 g 15 g
Mango Anthracnose 200 g 10 g
Onion Purple Blotch 400 g 20 g
Cucurbit Powdery Mildew 200 g 10 g


সীথ ব্লাইট – Sheath Blight

উইল্ট – Bacterial Wilt of Tomato

সেটরট – Set rot

ব্ল্যাকরট – Black rot

এ্যানথ্রাকনোজ – Anthracnose

পার্পল ব্লচ – Purple Blotch

চা রেড ব্লাস্ট – Red Blust