( Sulfur 80% WG )


Greatvit 80 WG is a topical, disease-resistant fungicide and insecticide. 

It contains 80 percent of Sulfur, filling the Sulfur deficiency in crops and also organizes physiological functions, including physical growth.

For this reason, the plant can produce more crops with healthy vigor and disease-free growth.

Greatvit 80 WG is a modern and eco-friendly formulation. It does not contain dust  so it mixes well with water easily and quickly.

 Scope and Dimensions :

Crop Disease Permissible Dosage
Per Hectare of Land Per Acre of Land For Every 10 Litres of Water in 5 Decimal of Land
Tea Spider Disease of Tea 2.25 kg 910 g 45
Bottle Gourd, Pumpkin, Cucumber, Luffa, Snake Gourd, Melon, Water Melon Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides 2.25 kg 910 g 45
Paddy Bacterial Leaf Blight 2.50 kg 1 kg 50
Longan Powdery Mildew 2.25 kg 910 g 45
Jute Yellow Mite 3.30 kg 1.34 kg 66
Tomato Bacterial Wilt of Tomato 2.25 kg 910 g 45


লেবু- Longan

পাউডারী মিলকিভিউ- Powdery Mold

চায়ের রেড মাইন্ড—Spider Disease of Tea

হলদে মাকড় – Yellow Mite