(Azoxystrobin 20% + Difenoconazole 12.5%)


Catlin 32.5 SC contains 200 grams of Azoxystrobin and 125 grams of Difenoconazole as active ingredients per liter. It is a contact, flowing and translaminar quality fungicide. It is practical and approved for control of seed blight, blast of rice and stem cancer scurf of potato.

Scope and Dimensions : 

Crop Disease  Dosage Application
Per Acre Per Litre of Water
Paddy Sheath Blight and Blast 200 ml 1 ml Mix 10 ml of Catlin in 10 liters of water and spray on 5 Decimal of the soil well.
Potato Stem Cancer 200 ml 1 ml Mix 10 ml of Catlin in 10 liters of water before planting potato seeds in drains. And spray 5 Decimal of the soil thoroughly soaking the gutters and potato seeds.
Onion Foot Rot
100 ml 0.5 ml
Sweet Pumpkin Powdery Mildew