(Abamectin 1.8 EC)


Desert Extra 1.8 EC is a local penetrating agent and a safe insecticide with gastric properties. Its active ingredient is Abamectin, which is particularly effective against various insects such as rice suckers, eggplant and tea spiders, cotton aphids, jassid etc. Desert Extra 1.8 EC is an environmentally friendly pesticide as it is produced from bacteria.


Scope and Dimensions : 

Crop Disease Per Hectare Per Acre Terms of Use
Paddy Rice Pest 1 l 400 ml For every 10 liters of water mix 20 ml of the medicine and spray it on 5 decimal of land.
Eggplant Red Mite  600 ml 240 ml For every liter of water mix 1.12 ml of the medicine and spray it on the upper back of the leaves.




Red Mite

1.25 l 506 ml For every liter of water mix 1.25 ml of the medicine and spray it on both sides of the leaves well.

For tea, use 20 liters of water on 5 decimal of  land.