(Cartap 92% + Acetamiprid 3% SP)

Mine 95 SP is an organocarbamate-type insecticide with tactile and stomachic properties.Its active ingredient is Cartap 92% + Acetamiprid 3%.Mine 95 SP spreads to all parts of the plant shortly after application, poisoning the entire plant.

Mine 95 SP contains 920 grams of Cartap and 30 grams of Acetamiprid as active ingredients per kg.

The cost of using Mine 95 SP is relatively low.

 Scope and Dimensions : 

Crop Insect For Every 10 Liters of Water in 5 Decimal of Land
Paddy Scirpophaga Incertulas 5 g
Rice Hispa
Brown Plant Hopper



Pointed Gourd

Yardlong Bean


Bitter gourd

Leucinodes Orbonalis 2 g


Picture Image

ধানের মাজরা পোকা- Scirpophaga Incertulas

পামরী পোকা- Rice Hispa

বাদামী গাছ ফড়িং – Brown Plant hopper

ডগা ও ফল ছিদ্রকারী পোকা- Leucinodes orbonalis

এফিড- Aphid