(Chlorpyrifos 50% + Cypermethrin 5%)


Nano Plus 55 EC is a highly effective organophosphorus and synthetic pyrethroid / Cypermethrin combination insecticide with contact, stomach and asphyxiant action. Nano Plus 55 EC contains 500 ml active ingredient Chlorpyrifos and 50 ml active ingredient Cypermethrin per litre. This combination of two insecticides produces rapid pest control. 


Scope and Dimensions :

Crop Insect  Permissible Dosage
Per Acre Per 10 Litres of Water

(Dimensions for 5 Decimal of land)

Potato Aphid 200 ml 10 ml
Cotton Aphid, Jassid Insect and Cotton white fly 240 ml 12 ml
Tea White Ant 1.60 ml 80 ml
Beans Aphid 0.5 ml per litter of water


এফিড বা জাব পোকা- Aphid

হপার- Hopper Insect

জ্যাডিস- Jassid Insect

উই পোকা- White Ant

গুটি পোকা- Caterpillar

আলুর কাটুই পোকা- Potato Cutworm